Pet ID Tags Complete Guide
Author: John W Date Posted:15 September 2019

When it comes to pet ID tags for dogs & cats, there are a couple of questions that get asked a lot. We are going to answer the frequently asked questions about pet identification tags and give you the best practices on what to put on them. This guide is for Australian pet owners and some of the information may be differ in other countries.
Is it the law that you need an ID tag on your pet?
In most states in Australia, including NSW your dog must wear a tag with your phone number or address when it is outside of your property. This will be on top of having your dog micro-chipped and in most councils, wearing a council registration tag. This same law also applies for cats when they are in a public space. Even if your animal has these tags in a public space and are picked up by a dog keeper, you will still be liable to pay a fine to get your dog or cat from the pound.
What information should I have on my pet tag?
The more information you have on the tag the better. We recommend putting your pets name and two phone numbers. Other things you can put on your id tag is your address, vets phone number, vets address or their microchip number. You may be restricted by size, so make sure you have a tag that can fit at least three lines.
What type of pet ID tags are available?
There are three main type of tags that pet owners use.
Metal engraved tag
This is the most common type of pet ID tag. It is the tag where it is made of metal and then you have the information you want engraved onto it. You can usually get these from your local pet store or vet. Some places can engrave these on the spot or have your information sent off and the tag sent directly to you a couple of days later. Once you have this, you will not be able to change your information and would need a new tag if you change phone numbers or address.
Instant tags
Instant tags are generally made out of resin and allow you to fill out your details and stick it on the back of it. The main appeal of these is that they are very simple and quick to get set up.
Pet widget
The pet widget the newest type of dog & cat tag. You put your details into the website and it lives in the cloud. If someone finds your dog, they will see a code on the tag and a website to enter the code. When they search this they will have the pets information come up and the owner will be alerted that someone has searched this and the GPS location of the search. With this tag, you are able to change your details such as phone number or address anytime.
Are there pet ID tag with GPS tracker?
The short answer is yes. However, be prepared to pay for it! They often have a high purchase price and then an ongoing subscription cost. They would also need charging, which may become difficult. Currently they are very large and just look kind of odd, especially on a cat or small dog. In 10 years from now (remind me in 2029) GPS pet tags will be more the norm and the technology would of advanced and drove the price down.
What age should my pet have an ID tag?
The first day you get your new puppy or kitten you should have a ID tag ready to go on them. You never know when they can escape through a small hole or someone leaves a door open.
Where can I buy a pet ID tag?
You can buy these from just about any pet store, vet or online. You will be able to fine thousands of options to suit the size and style of your four legged friend. In conclusion, you should follow the best practices for pet ID tags which is to always have a ID tag on your animal, have at least two phone numbers on your tag and have all of your information up to date. If you follow these steps, you will give yourself peace of mind for if your pet does a Houdini escape act.