Catnip for Cats

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Cats love to play when given catnip, so it's no wonder our catnip cat toys, sprays and powders are some of the most popular choices to entertain your feline. Catnip will not only keep your cat energised and entertained for hours, but help relieve anxiety too.

Catnip FAQ's

What is catnip, and what does it do to cats?

Catnip, scientifically known as Nepeta cataria, is a herbaceous plant belonging to the mint family. When cats encounter catnip, they often exhibit behaviours such as rolling, rubbing, purring, and playful activity. This reaction is due to the compound nepetalactone, which triggers a response in the cat's brain, resulting in temporary euphoria.

Is catnip safe for cats?

Yes, catnip is considered safe for cats when used in moderation. However, it's essential to monitor your cat's reaction the first time they encounter catnip, as some cats may not respond to it at all. Additionally, excessive consumption of catnip can lead to gastrointestinal upset, so it's best to offer it sparingly.

Will all cats respond to catnip?

No, not all cats respond to catnip. Sensitivity to catnip is hereditary, and approximately 50-70% of cats exhibit a response to it. Kittens and older cats are less likely to react to catnip compared to adult cats. If your cat doesn't respond to catnip, don't worry; it's entirely normal.

How should I introduce catnip to my cat?

Introducing catnip to your cat is relatively simple. You can sprinkle a small amount of dried catnip onto scratching posts, toys, or bedding. Alternatively, you can offer catnip-infused toys or sprays. Start with a small amount to gauge your cat's reaction, and avoid overexposure.

Are there any alternatives to catnip?

Yes, there are alternatives to catnip that some cats may enjoy, such as valerian root and silver vine. These plants contain compounds that elicit similar responses in cats.

Can cats become addicted to catnip?

No, cats cannot become addicted to catnip in the same way humans can become addicted to substances. The effects of catnip are short-lived, typically lasting for about 10-15 minutes, after which cats become temporarily immune to its effects for a period of time. It's entirely safe to offer catnip to your cat occasionally.

Can catnip be grown at home?

Yes, catnip can be grown at home in Australia. It's a hardy perennial plant that thrives in a sunny location with well-drained soil. You can start catnip from seeds or purchase seedlings from nurseries. Just be aware that catnip is a prolific grower and may spread rapidly if not contained.


Why You Give Catnip To Your Feline

Have you ever given your feline companion catnip? The effect of catnip leaves our minds filled with more questions than answers. We cannot smell it, yet it has a unique scent to our cats. Most cats will stop and sniff catnip. Some will give it a lick. Others will roll around in it and get it all over their fur. Some will chew the catnip leaves.

Since about half of all cats enjoy catnip, there are various toys and catnip products available. The KONG refillable catnip toys are cute and fun. KONG also has a natural catnip spray. Catnip can help an unmotivated cat get some exercise and quit just laying and daydreaming. Many cats will respond to catnip by jumping, running and playing. Exercise is great for all of us, so this is one way to utilise a benefit of catnip. Buy Catnip spray, plants and powders online.

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