Case Study: How We Helped This Staffy with Dry Ithcy Skin
Date Posted:1 March 2023

This was a case study involving one dog using recommendations that we have seen work for other pets previously. Could we help to find a remedy to the dry & itchy skin of this Staffy without needing to visit the vet?
Initial consultation date: December 2022
Follow-up consultation date: February 2023
Dog Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier (Staffy)
Dog Age: 4
Result: Success
A Brisbane, Australia based customer came to us during December 2022, which is an extremely hot time of the year in Queensland. The issue they had was their 4-year-old Staffy was suffering from dry skin causing her to itch and then in turn making the dry areas worse.
The first thing we like to ask is what they were feeding their dog. They currently had them on Black Hawk Lamb & Rice Adult Dry Dog Food and would also give them extra chicken breast with their dry dog kibble at nighttime. From experience, we had seen that red meats such a lamb and too much protein can affect animals skin and overall health.
Our suggestion was to chain to a grain free food that was fish based. While there are a few options for this, we recommended the Meals for Mutts Grain Free Salmon & Sardines dry dog food. As the customer also wanted their dog to have some variety, so they wouldn't get sick of the dry food, we suggested the Big Dog Tasmanian Salmon BARF Raw Food. While we believed the change of food would be the biggest difference, we also gave then the Aloveen Oatmeal Shampoo & Conditioner, which would soothe the skin to give some instant relieve and help to heal the dry itchy patches.
When we followed up with the customer in February 2023, they had informed us that their Staffy had improved 90% and was rarely itching, with the dry patches of skin no longer showing. They said they started to notice the improvement just over a week from the transition to the new diet.
In conclusion, we cannot say which product made the most difference. We believe this combination of food & shampoo/conditioner was the most effective way to get this fix, as they all complement each other.